Hagebutte in Franken

Two apples in the spotlight.

Guttulis lux - Tropfen mit Licht

The variety of interior life of a tulip. (Detail)

The variety of interior life of a tulip.

Tulipa Liliaceae Stillas Roris Circumdata

Snowdrop with morning dew.

Early Morning Dew - Part 2

Early Morning Dew

Nature awakens with morning dew.

Moisty moss with sunshines koss… ahm, kiss!

Moisty moss with sunshines koss… ahm, kiss!

Moisty moss with sunshines koss… ahm, kiss!

Nature awakens in the sunshine.

Cap Bombs were fun when I was a child.

Granatapfel Teil

Granatapfel Teil 1

Weinende Blüte

Kakteen Portrait

Schild mit den Baum verwachsen.

Lilien - Teil 3

Rose - Teil 2

Lilien - Teil 2

Rose - Teil 1

Lilien - Teil 4

Lilien - Teil 1

Have a break, have a seat.

Holzritze / Wood crack

Moos im Winterschlaf
